Support Us
You can now support the Hamburg School Music Booster Club Incorporated by buying groceries!
Just link your Tops Bonus Card to our organization, and when you buy certain products (TOPS Brand, Full Circle™, TopCare®, Tippy Toes™, Simply Done™, That's Smart®, and Best Yet products), Tops donates up to 5% back to us.
To support us, click the Tops logo above and add the boosters to your selected schools. Enter "Hamburg School Music" in the search box, and you will find us!
Thank you for your support for music education and music performance in our Hamburg Central Schools!
The Hamburg School Music Booster Club Incorporated is excited to provide extra support to the music department, our student musicians, and the many performance opportunities available through chorus, band, orchestra, jazz, chamber ensembles, and musicals. Through community donations (aka crowdfunding), we hope to fund many exciting opportunities in music education and performance through the Hamburg Central Schools. We intend to support requests from classroom music teachers for equipment and supplies, programs, guest artists, musicals, and more.
The Hamburg School Music Booster Club Incorporated is a public charity under the Section 509(a)(2) classification. We appreciate your tax-deductible donations at any given level.
All donors will be recognized on our website and social media unless otherwise requested.
Our Dynamic Donor recognition levels for contributions received during our July 1 - June 30 fiscal year are:
Debut Album ($5 - $50)
Gold Record ($51-$100)
Platinum Record ($101-$250)
Multi-Platinum Record ($251-$500)
Diamond Record ($501-$1,000)
Grammy Award Winning Record (over $1,000)
Click the "Make a Difference, Donate" button above to give today!